i refuse to leave on that morbid note.
despite the setbacks there have been good distractions.
and i'd better get down to this before the pain sets in and i get depressed.
don't think me insensitive.
this is how i deal.
now, onto shamelessly posting pictures.
as they say, one digital image is worth a thousand words.
the team.

an open invitation for larissa to come kill me.

candy, jia yan, shan hu, me
and minmin in the pink.
it's always good to know there's someone more
shameless than i.
what too much design work gives you--
eyebags and insanity.
the girl from the Ring is in my class ((:

more insanity. don't ask.

hard at work during site analysis. (:

more hard-at-work site analysis. (:

more hardworking blahblahblah.
okay. i think that's enough nonsense pics for now.
before all you people get blinded.
hope you liked it.
distractions are more than welcome these days.
mixed feelings, and life is going too fast for me to catch it.
it's crazy how fast death can come.
how soon, and how unexpected.
two similar accidents, two different endings.
i don't think i'll ever understand.
and this wasn't the distraction i was hoping for.
here yesterday, and now gone. just like grass in the field, clouds up in the sky, forever uncertain, forever changing.
a tiny flower, you are gone from the world, and soon another will spring up in your place. but no matter how small the difference as time moves on without you, it will never be just the same.
death, such sweet surrender;
Lord's servant angel, gentle usher
on wings of peace he carries you
into your Lover's arms.
sail on sweetly, soul at rest
from all life's burdens, all life's tests
into a beautiful forever
in your Lover's arms.
not too early, nor too late
He called to take you home.
and through the tapestry of life
one thread snaps before it should;
but for us left here
behind, on earth--
he took you home too soon.
days here without you pass too slow;
your footprints seem not to fade,
the sunsets, they seem not to dull
the sweet memories we made.
the photographs in our mind
unbroken by the sands of time,
keep you alive while you have gone
into your Lover's arms.
a bittersweet thing, your legacy,
your birth, your life, your end;
and the life after, life yet to come
where broken hearts all mend.
and in His arms we leave you,
and in His arms you stay--
smile down on us from where you are,
till one by one we fly away
on spirit wings, sweet surrender;
break free of earth and clay
and shine with you through forever
in our Lover's arms.
i miss you, Aunty Jenni.
[you know who you are. this is for you.]
i've got news for all those people out there who think they'e smarter than everyone else--
you're not.
im not saying you're a retard. im sure you have your decent share of intelligence, and im sure your skull does contain a reasonable amount of grey and white matter.
but just because you do have that, it doesn't place you one rung higher on the evolutional or creational ladder, whichever you subscribe to.
everyone's smarter than someone else in some way.
a class-A village idiot may think a helicopter is a giant ventilation device when he should know better, but he may know how to survive on the street in the tough life better than a rich rocket scientist ever will.
you can spend all the years of your life trying to develop your brain, but there'll always be someone out there smarter than you in some aspect. just as there's someone you could beat to the ground with your intelligence in another area.
no matter what i say here, though, it's not going to change anything.
im just frustrated.
so just let me talk.
who knows--i might end up making some sense.
i think it can't be helped--smart-alecks who think they know it all.
there'll always be people like that, and i can't say that im safe from becoming one.
and sometimes it's okay to be a smart-aleck, because if you mean no harm, and that's just you--well. besides providing hours of entertainment for your friends [hehe (:] there's always just as many good qualities in something as there are the bad.
and it's good to have knowledgeable people around you, or people with intelligent minds.
then you can give them your problems to solve (:
it only starts turning sour when they think that intelligence gives them the right to put others down, or talk as if other humans are beneath them, to call us fools, ignoramuses, and other such bombastic words [when you could simply use the word stupid. it's really much easier. stop being such a showoff, damn you].
we're not.
okay, there are many things you're right about. and there's many things we get wrong. it's not because we're idiotic.
we simply just don't understand. either that, or we have different ideas of the same thing and we're both too narrow-minded to see the other person's point of view.
and you, being the more intelligent human being, surely would have more of a responsibility to apply your vast amount of intelligence to sorting out the problems between us.
i think that the difference between a wise man and an intelligent idiot is this--
a wise man will accept his error graciously if proven wrong, and this will only make him wiser and overall a greater person because of his ability to see past his ego to his wrong, and when he discards his wrong idea to take hold of the right one--well its kind of a DUH thing. he'll evidently get smarter.
no one's going to say you're truly very intelligent when you boast of knowing everything about the wrong thing and can furthermore defend your cause.
no one would say that your debating skills suck, or that your analyzing process is all screwed up.
it's like applying the wrong trigo formula to a problem.
and even though you can remember the trigo formula that no one else can--you will still end up with the wrong answer. and you can keep using the same formula on the same problem. you'll get the same wrong answer, even though part of your method is brilliant and correct.
that would just make you a bright person, but truly very fucking stubborn.
look, if it's sugar, C6H12O6 [meh. just let me show off a little here. because that's basically the only thing i remember from 2 years of chemistry class.] then it's sugar.
everyone knows its sugar.
from the great albert einstein to the stupidest--well, for example, me.
no matter how much you try to tell us its NOT sugar and is in fact crushed diamonds, and have a glib tongue to produce a convincing argument and say you know everything about this--
and excluding those who choose to believe you, who may personally all feel that they're the only ones who see the light and the rest of us are just being silly--well, the rest of us silly ones will undoubtedly find your ranting and raving a vast source of entertainment.
but no matter what you say, God made it sugar. and no matter what views either side takes, sugar it shall stay.
just an analogy (:
im not putting people like that down.
im sure that they have their reasons for wanting to hold to that view, and keep fighting for it. but it's not their views that im "attacking". for all you know, sugar may indeed turn out to be crushed diamonds one day.
im just disappointed in the fact that while in the process of proving their crushed diamond theory, these samples of humanity have to put down whoever does not go along with their idea.
this down-low, dirty method of fighting is despicable and clearly below your level of intelligence.
is that how you win people over to your ideas? think politics, think diplomatically.
which would be the best way to both improve your intelligence, and at the same time get people to open up to your views?
by calling those who do not subscribe bloody idiots and forecasting their hellfire-and-brimstone future, or by graciously trying to see their point of view, understand where they come from and carefully weigh their views and yours before you open your mouth and make an asshole of yourself?
if you have any honor or dignity or pride in yourself--and i dont mean blind pride--then think. think, since that's what you probably do best.
do you really have to put people down just to pull yourself up? maybe that's how the rest of the world fights. but do you want to be one of the crowd, or stand out and make people notice because you're not like the rest?
you're gracious, and willing to understand other people, yet while standing true to your cause--and then people will think hey, this guy might actually be making some sense.
as much as i hate to say this, PAP didn't get to where they are today by calling citizens who don't vote for them fools and dumbasses. neither did Abe Lincoln.
you're free to hold your own view. let people hold theirs without being discriminated or called names for it. if you were them, im sure you'd think it'd suck.
so until you have all the answers, to all the questions, and can confidently say that you effing ROCK and you're mr/miss knowitall.. keep your overlord attitude to yourself.
at least till you're done conquering the world and have already established an un-overthrowable dictatorial regime.
in the timeless words of C.S. Lewis in his book Chronicles of Narnia, "never mock a man, but for when he is stronger than you. and then, as you please."